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Automate to attract talent

There are many reasons why every tax function needs to seriously consider the pace at which it automates and transforms. One of the biggest and most important is the ability to attract top talent.

Top-performing talent everywhere, and especially among the millennial cohort, is looking for ways to future-proof their careers. People are more technologically savvy than ever before, and they’re looking for opportunities to apply and hone their digital skills.

An organization that seriously and visibly commits to digital transformation and upskilling its employees positions itself well to attract this top talent. This, in turn, only serves to expedite the pace of change and the success of the digital transformation.

Conversely, organizations that are lagging behind not only risk losing out on attracting top talent, they may also risk losing members of their existing teams who are looking for digital upskilling opportunities.

If you’re searching for a way to upskill yourself, have a look at our Digital Fitness app. You’ll find it’s an amazing way to build your digital acumen in bite-sized chunks.

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